1. We believe that there is one God who exists in the three persons of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We believe the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God.  The Scriptures are a guide of faith and life.
  2. We believe in the deity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in his bodily resurrection, and in His ascension to the right hand of the Father.  We believe that Jesus Christ will return in power and glory to establish His eternal kingdom.
  3. We believe that people are born in a condition of sin and in need of personal salvation, which occurs by placing their faith in the death and resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
  4. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling power and fullness the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.  We believe that this is a lifelong process of “growing up” spiritually toward the likeness and character of God as seen in the person of Jesus Christ.
  5. We believe that our mission as a church is to spread the Good News of the gospel of salvation in every word and deed and to bring every person into a life of faith, discipleship, and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  6. We believe that God created man in His image for His glory.  We believe He creates each person as male or female for life with specific gifts and abilities, and the distinct and complementary genders, gifts, and abilities together reflect the glory and image of God.  We believe that God created marriage to be a picture of the sacrificial relationship between Christ and the Church, and to be exclusively between one man and one woman.